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Monday, July 16, 2012


Talking to you is the amazing thing that ever happened to me. Maybe you never know about that, it's surely thing. I'm too shy to be honest to you actually. You know that feeling when your crush really close to you, even talking to you and without your asking or calling, he/she comes to you. Yes! it was happened to me. But you should know, sometimes the people who we like the most or we called "crush" could be so mean to us cause there's something they want from us and for sure its really hurt. There's so many nice things happened to me since me and him get close. I mean, the relationship between us. I feel so close to him. But sometimes I can be so nervous cause he treat me too much. But, that's all I love from him. And he never know about that. But like I said, our "crush" can be so rude because something that their realize and they wanna get something from that. It was happen to me too. I don't know, but I think this is so stupid. I feel like I was nothing. First thing, I heard some bad news about him but I ignore it, cause I know he wouldn't be like that. Arrogant and never care about people around him. But make me embarrassing in front of his friends. 1 word............. J.E.R.K!!!!!!

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