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Friday, July 13, 2012

Justin for 9

   hey, guys! it's meh, try typin' so fast to tell u about this but maybe u already kno that so..yeah thats ok anw :D. First, for u who always stay tune on twitter,u surely look up to the trends today, rite? The trending topic today get my attention. I read em, and got "Justin for 9" was trend. I'm thinking for a sec, maybe its another Justin and not even Justin I kno ;) but I kinda curios that time cos it probably talk about Justin Bieber so I click that and yep, my heart was right, its about Justin Bieber and his concert. Idk exactly which concert it was, maybe in Japan or where,i dunno, one for sure its really stupid argue. U kno, how can "a woman" suing him for 9 million just bcos his concert too loud??? I mean what? What the fucking hell she is?? Its concert ma'am. It sure would loud there! And who fucking hell she think she is?! This is too stupid! First, why the fucking hell her house should be near that place? If she already  kno that it is a stadium and there would be so many fucking bands/singers would make a concert and for sure it would makes her ears hurt, why she wanna live there? I give u an advice ma'am. MOVE FROM THERE! simple as that!. Second, if that was too loud, why people around there not complain but just like stupid monkey cryin' as hell try to grab some bananas?!. I guess u just want to be famous. Just like Mariah and the others did. Poor you.
 I swear to God, if this stupid argue, seen on TV or even write there in newspaper. I will...................................................................don't give a fuck! 

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