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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Miss 'em :(

I Miss 'em
I Miss when we first met.
I Miss when you guys ask me whats my name.
I Miss when you guys shout my name.
I Miss when we spent time together by practice in school.
I Miss when we laughing together.
I Miss when u made me can't stop smiling till I'm home.
I Miss when we slept together in one house.
I Miss when we had snack time in the morning and evening.
I Miss when we watch a horror movie together.
I Miss when we talked together.
I Miss when one of u guys brush your teeth in living room.
I Miss when we in the backstage.
I Miss when we dancing together.
I Miss when we bought customs and shoes together.
I Miss when one of u guys be with me till I got car.
I Miss when we were holding hand.
I Miss when u borrow my belt.
I Miss when u drank from my bottle.
I Miss when we shouted together before perform.
I Miss when we CRYING together :')
I Miss when the time before final, we saw our rainbow.
I Miss when we all say "fuck!"
I Miss when we all meet at school.

     I Miss so much things from you guys. Now, 2 people left. We are 7 now. Last saturday was the last show when we were 9. I Miss you guys so much. I miss the old you all. But life must go on. We can't go back to the past. We can't go back in time and change everything we had, we spent together. All the cried, laughed, smiled, worried, everything only a memory now. We all can be change but memories not. We have our own way. And each way are perfect to us. If you guys decided to move. Go ahead. You have life so am I. I just want you to know before u decided to not coming back, I really, deeply gonna miss you guys!!!! Here's so empty without you all. I Miss You!

To: Afi & Ardwin
y'guys take care. Miss ya alreadyyyyyyyyy! see u soon. don't forget me. don't forget us!!!!! Goodbye :')

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