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Thursday, February 28, 2013

justin turn 19 :')

     well, everyone will grow up, we know that. puberty causes all this stuff and we can't ignore it. we can't be babies anymore, we can't be teenagers anymore. we wiil grow up, becoming an adults, we will get married, have a family and we all will decided our life.

k guys don't take any serious, it's just the beginning words :P lol

     so, the real thing is justin gonna turn 19 tomorrow, and world know that. obama knows that even the aliens up there know that. i know he grow up so fast, but 19??? feels like he just turned 16 yesterday and it's like makin' me shocked, happy and crying at the same time cause i watch him grew up :") and i know exactly he is. 
     a small town boy, live in the city that have 32k population, have a blessed from God with those talents and love from the people around him. he just so young when he decided to be there, entertaining us, inspiring us. he should leave his normal life just for make other people put that smile on their faces.
    this is the last day of him be 18. he's not that kid anymore but he always be that kid in my heart. still kidrauhl, right? :")

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