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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

silly fighting.

crazy,huh? When your seniors, your friends, fighting with you with no reasons. You try to explain 'em but in the other side you are thinking that they're your friends. Missunderstanding. That's the problem. Ok, if u guys think I'm overact, it's ok, it's my life not anybody's. But, u guys should know that I'm just trying to help. I texted him that day to apology what I have done to him. And I never say bad things to you. It's his cellphone, not yours. I'm texted him, not u girl :). You are my senior and it's my job to respect you as your junior. but sometimes seniors are so annoyed. Why? because u think you are older than me then u think u don't have to respect me? You always judge people, juniors, giving 'em advices about being nice but you never realize that you are same with the others. Annoying, rude, stuff like that. Maybe you was right, every seniors don't want their juniors to not respect to them, but I was thinking as long as the junior was right, I'll shut my mouth up.
Think first before you say all that shits. if u want respect from other people especially your juniors, you should respect 'em first. Prove it if senior is more mature than junior. 

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