this blog may content something you don't want to spend your time reading it. but you can take a look around still ..

Friday, March 1, 2013

happy bieber's day.


wishing u all the greatest things happen in life. more success in career, keep loving your beliebers and still down to earth. i love you like always xoxo

Thursday, February 28, 2013

justin turn 19 :')

     well, everyone will grow up, we know that. puberty causes all this stuff and we can't ignore it. we can't be babies anymore, we can't be teenagers anymore. we wiil grow up, becoming an adults, we will get married, have a family and we all will decided our life.

k guys don't take any serious, it's just the beginning words :P lol

     so, the real thing is justin gonna turn 19 tomorrow, and world know that. obama knows that even the aliens up there know that. i know he grow up so fast, but 19??? feels like he just turned 16 yesterday and it's like makin' me shocked, happy and crying at the same time cause i watch him grew up :") and i know exactly he is. 
     a small town boy, live in the city that have 32k population, have a blessed from God with those talents and love from the people around him. he just so young when he decided to be there, entertaining us, inspiring us. he should leave his normal life just for make other people put that smile on their faces.
    this is the last day of him be 18. he's not that kid anymore but he always be that kid in my heart. still kidrauhl, right? :")

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Believe Tour Day First, Avalanna's Night

     so last night was so incredible. night. ever. That's because, it was the very first day of Believe Tour, OLLG tradition is still there, and Justin didn't pick up the ollg from the crowd as usual but he dedicated it to our angel, Avalanna Routh. She must be so happy watching  from heaven, her biggest inspiration made a special night for her. Yes, last night the One Less Lonely Girl is tribute to Avalanna. Justin standing there, looked up to the picture in the big screen, it was Avalanna and him, laughing together, and he sang 'one less lonely girl'. I don't know exactly if he was crying or not that night, but I think he did :"). Fredo was said on his twitter acc that meet and greet believe tour day first lots of tears...Maybe it because Avalanna or because beliebers miss justin so much. I don't know.
And also, Carly and Cody were there on the first day of Believe Tour. Perfect! Them both killed it, Justin said ;)
One for sure, Believe Tour day 1st is amazing. We can't deny it!. I hope Believe Tour is in Indonesia too, because last year, in My World tour, I'm not there to see him live cause I have a National Exam. Lots of prayers here, hope it's true about Justin said that Believe Tour is gonna be world wide, including Indonesia. I already save my money since 2 months ago..hahaha.


Dear Avalanna. 
Cancer is so fuckin' damn, huh? ;)
NO, baby! God didn't make something without mean it. He gave u a gift. He gave u cancer and by it, u can met your idol, spent time together with him, "marry" with him. U ever made me jealous btw ;)
But now, that stupid cancer has gone, you are in the better place where u can watch us anytime u want. Probably u watching me too while I made this post ;D hahaha..
So, Mrs. Bieber...we love you sweetie. Miss u already. Someday, we will meet together in the same place. 

Rest In Peace
Avalanna Routh

Friday, September 21, 2012

of me

    Nobody knows the real me. Nobody knows how many times I've sat in my room and cried, how many times I've lost hope, how many times I've felt like I'm about to snap but don't just for the sake of others. Nobody knows the thoughts that have gone through my head whenever I'm sad, and how horrible they are.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ada saatnya cinta harus dilepas, tidak digenggam dengan begitu erat. Bahwa ada saatnya kita tidak perlu berlari, tapi berhenti, melihat sekeliling. dan tersenyum.
Hati kamu mungkin memilihku, seperti juga hatiku selalu memilihmu. Tapi hati bisa bertumbuh dan bertahan dengan pilihan lain. Kadang, begitu saja sudah cukup. Sekarang aku pun merasa cukup.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Anniversary Dear :*
wishes all the best for our relationship.
we planned so many things, hun. remember? ;) haha. 
talk about our future, like we had a clue what will happen then.
I never feel like this before. hope u know how meant the whole world you to me. :"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Just Be You :)

I think what makes you more beautiful is when you believe in yourself, not trying to be someone else, and thanking God for everything he had given to you.
You have not to be perfect. You don't need that stupid make-up. You are a girl, a human, not a Barbie, a doll without brain. You should be grateful with all you have. Perfect or not, it doesn't matter. Nobody's perfect in this rude world by the way. Don't be afraid. Your imperfections make you beautiful and they make you who you are. No need to be perfect, just be you. People's judge maybe will annoy you. They judge you because they too jealous to you cause you show the world that you are not pretending to be someone else and just be you :)

"would you like to date an ugly girl, Justin?"
"How can I date a thing that never exist?"
- Justin Bieber -

Friday, August 31, 2012


Hey there :) . 
Seneng deh rasanya balik ke kehidupan normal lagi :D hehe. Terlepas dari segala masalah yang menghampiri gue selama sepekan lebih, yang bikin hari-hari gue serasa ga' normal lagi, gue udah rasa agak tenang. Yaa, meski mungkin itu masih akan berlanjut tapi yang penting ada jedanya buat gue tarik napas dan nulis posting baru di blog gue :D. Okelah, nggak usah dibahas. 
Kali ini gue bukan mau nulis curhatan :D, gue mau nulis tentang sesuatu yang harapannya bisa menginspirasi orang..ya big thanks aja buat yang anggep tulisan ini inspiratif :)

Apa sih yang kalian pikir saat denger kata 'mimpi'? Kalo gue sih mengartikan kata itu sebagai sesuatu yang pengen gue capai dengan segala kerja keras gue. Dan mimpi gue bukan cuma satu aja, tapi banyak. Waktu gue kecil, gue pernah bermimpi buat jadi dokter, dan sampai sekarang pun gue masih bermimpi untuk jadi seperti itu. Tapi, dibalik mimpi gue yang besar untuk jadi dokter, tersisip sebagian mimpi-mimpi lain. Kayak gue pengen banget jadi dancer, pengen ketemu Justin Bieber, pengen beli Vans banyak banget, pengen belajar mengemudi, belajar skate, pengen kawin *upjh ;)*, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan beberapa diantara mimpi-mimpi gue itu, udah ada yang terwujud. Bukan tentang yang kawin yaa, boro-boro kawin, orang pacaran juga belum sebulan :P plus gue masih 15 tahun, masih kecil, dan masih muda ;D. Maksud gue, gue udah punya tim dance dan sudah beberapa kali tampil baik show maupun perlombaan. Contoh lain, gue di follow, dapet reply maupun retweet dari artis favorit gue *yang pasti itu bukan Justin -,-*. Gue sangat-sangat mensyukuri hal itu, karena itu merupakan mimpi gue, sesuatu yang pengen banget gue dapet dan sekarang gue bisa nikmati sebagian dari mimpi-mimpi gue yang terwujud itu. 

Sebagian orang bilang, pemimpi itu nggak realistis, pikirannya masih anak-anak banget dan alay. Seorang yang punya mimpi, berarti dia punya sesuatu yang ingin dia capai yang mungkin merupakan tujuan hidupnya. Dan untuk mewujudkan semua hal itu diperlukan usaha. Apa itu yang dikatakan nggak realistis? Anak-anak banget? ALAY? ... Nggak kan?! Semua itu kembali kepada kita, bagaimana cara kita mengartikan kata "mimpi". Yaaa, kalau misalkan kalian bermimpi tetapi tidak ada satupun usaha untuk mewujudkannya, itu useless dan berarti kamu bukan pemimpi tapi orang yang hanya bisa berandai-andai *sama ya? ;)*. Semua orang yang udah sukses awalnya adalah orang biasa yang punya segudang mimpi. Berdasarkan mimpinya itu, dia pun bikin tekad buat mencapainya dan menikmatinya. 

Justin Bieber. Siapa sih yang nggak kenal seorang Justin? Seorang yang sukses, masih muda dan bertalenta. Dia pernah bilang ke gue *eiits, gue belieber loh. Take a note :P* dia nggak kan bisa sampai sejauh ini kalo bukan karena kemurahan Yang Maha Kuasa dan tekadnya terhadap mimpinya untuk bisa menjadi seperti idolanya, Michael Jackson. Selalu Justin mengingatkan beliebers untuk terus mengejar mimpi mereka masing-masing, believe that, dan raih itu semua. Karena segalanya berasal dari sesuatu, dan sesuatu itu akan sia-sia kalau kita tidak bermimpi.

Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi apalagi meragukannya. Take example from me and Justin. Gue mimpi buat jadi dancer dan punya team sendiri, alhasil sekarang gue udah punya dan itu gue lewatin dengan penuh usaha. Gue mimpi Carly bisa follow gue, Joel reply tweet gue dan Payton serta Mckenzie retweet tweet gue, alhasil apa yang gue impiin terwujud semua sesuai apa yang gue harapin :). Justin punya mimpi bisa jadi penyanyi sensasional sama kayak idolanya, MJ,alhasil sekarang kita bisa liat dia menikmati apa yang diimpikannya. Kalo lo udah coba tapi gagal, coba lagi. Kalo lo udah mulai putus asa, percaya mimpi lo itu. Gue aja bisa, masa lo nggak? 
Everything starts from something. It would be nothing if your heart didn't dream it. 
Go straight to your dreams. Everything is possible.

Dream Big and Never Say Never
- Justin Bieber