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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stonefield ♥

     finally, there's a cute couple that I can fangirl over beside Jelena. Yeah,yeah, I'm tired with all of the drama over Jelena so I decided to not talking about them anymore and try to find another cute couple and yes, there's one! Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield which is a couple too in The Amazing Spider-Man as Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker. They already together since last spring. That's the media said. Actually, according some source that I read, they both never confirmed about their relationship, so its make some people thinking that they're not couple. well, fuck with what people think. I'm in love with their relationship ;). u kno, they always look cute together. which one I like, when they both hang out together and then they cuddled up as they walked. OMB! is that just so sweet? :'). Another I like when they filming together. OhMyGoshOhMyGosh! haha. Well. i don't care about what media said, if they're really a couple in real-life then Thank God :D.

EmmAndrew Stonefield ♥

love u guys xoxo

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